
Liver Disease

Liver Disease services offered in Flint, MI

If you’re one of the 100 million people in the United States with liver disease, you can rely on the personalized care available at Digestive Health Clinic. Board-certified gastroenterologist Mustafa Alnounou, MD, FACP, FACG, uses blood tests and advanced imaging technologies to assess your liver’s health. Dr. Alnounou focuses on relieving existing symptoms of liver disease and preserving your organ function. He prescribes medications and provides educational resources to help you manage liver disease in the long term. Call the Flint, Michigan, office to schedule a consultation for liver disease or book an appointment online today.

Liver Disease Q&A

What is liver disease?

Your liver is a large organ that filters toxins from your blood. However, exposing your liver to too many toxins can limit its function and increase your risk for chronic liver disease. Liver disease describes conditions that progressively damage the organ and lead to liver failure.

Chronic liver diseases include:


Hepatitis describes liver inflammation, a biological response to toxins or liver injury. Hepatitis can result from a viral infection and heavy alcohol use or exposure to environmental toxins.


Fibrosis is the stiffening of your liver due to the build-up of scar tissue. Scar tissue limits blood flow through the liver, depriving the organ of nutrients and oxygen. While the liver is capable of regenerating itself to recover from damage, scar tissue can limit the regeneration process.


Cirrhosis describes permanent liver scarring. When you have cirrhosis, it means that fibrosis in your liver isn’t reversible, and there aren’t enough healthy cells remaining for your liver to regenerate itself. At this stage, your liver function begins to decline.

Liver failure

Liver failure is the final stage of liver disease that occurs when the organ can no longer function sufficiently enough to meet the demands of your body. When the liver begins to break down, it can lead to a range of symptoms that lower your quality of life. Ultimately, the condition can prove fatal without a successful liver transplant.

Does liver disease cause symptoms?

In the early stages, liver disease may not cause any symptoms. As the condition progresses, you may experience:

Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)

  • Dark-colored urine
  • Pale stools
  • Abdominal pain
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Itchy skin without a rash (pruritus)

Liver disease can also cause digestive distress when your liver is no longer able to break down fats from the foods you eat.

How is liver disease treated?

If you have hepatitis, Dr. Alnounou may prescribe medications to clear the infection and ease persistent inflammation.

You might also need to reduce your use of alcohol and eat a nutritious diet, focusing on fat-free foods that won’t irritate your liver.

Dr. Alnounou continues to monitor your liver function during follow-up visits at Digestive Health Clinic to prevent the disease from worsening. If you’re in the advanced stages of liver failure, he discusses your candidacy for a liver transplant.

Call Digestive Health Clinic to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for liver disease, or book an appointment online today.