

Endoscopy services offered in Flint, MI

An endoscopy can be an excellent way to diagnose or treat problems in your upper digestive system. The procedure is among the services available from Mustafa Alnounou, MD, FACP, FACG, at Digestive Health Clinic in Flint, Michigan. If you’d like more information about an endoscopy or any other digestive health procedure, contact the office online or by phone at your earliest convenience to schedule a visit.

Endoscopy Q&A

What role does endoscopy play in digestive health?

An endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that can help diagnose or treat issues affecting the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, or the first part of the small intestine. An endoscopy might be recommended if you experience:

  • Swallowing disorders
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Chronic abdominal pain
  • Bleeding in the upper GI tract
  • Ulcers
  • Celica disease
  • GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

Endoscopy procedures also help digestive health specialists diagnose the source of other gastrointestinal issues.

What should I expect during an endoscopy?

Dr. Alnounou frequently performs endoscopy procedures. Rest assured, you're in the best hands if you or a loved one comes for this procedure. 

You’ll likely remain awake during your endoscopy. An intravenous sedative helps you relax, and Dr. Alnounou might also apply a numbing anesthetic to make you more comfortable.

The procedure involves placing a long, thin, flexible tube through your esophagus. This tube, called an endoscope, is equipped with a camera that gathers imaging of the lining of your digestive tract. While the tube moves, you may feel some pressure or swelling, but it shouldn't last long. Let Dr. Alnounou know if you experience any continued discomfort. 

Dr. Alnounou views a monitor to look for abnormalities and unusual growths. As needed, he can maneuver small surgical tools at the end of the endoscope to gather tissue biopsies. Other procedures may also be performed if required, like removing a blockage. 

The entire endoscopy procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes. After the exam, the tube is removed, and you can continue your day. 

How do I prepare for my endoscopy procedure?

Dr. Alnounou advises you on how to prepare for your endoscopy. In general, you should avoid consuming anything for at least eight hours before your scheduled procedure.

You might also be advised to avoid certain medications and supplements, particularly anything with blood thinning properties, for several days before your upper endoscopy. Tell Dr. Alnounou about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you take before your procedure.

Book your endoscopy evaluation with Digestive Health Clinic today. You can reach the office online anytime or call during normal business hours.