
Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux services offered in Flint, MI

Acid reflux affects more than 20% of the American population. If you need help managing frequent heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms, you can rely on the high-quality care available at Digestive Health Clinic. The office is fully equipped with advanced endoscopy technology to evaluate your upper gastrointestinal health. Board-certified gastroenterologist Mustafa Alnounou, MD, FACP, FACG, creates a treatment plan to ease existing symptoms and prevent esophageal damage that can lead to cancer. Call the Flint, Michigan, office to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for acid reflux symptoms or book an appointment online today.

Acid Reflux Q&A

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux describes a chronic condition where stomach acids repeatedly flow back into your esophagus and mouth.

Typically, the lower esophageal sphincter muscle relaxes to let liquids and food pass through to your stomach. If this muscle is weak or doesn’t function as it should, it can allow stomach acids to flow backward.

If left untreated, acid reflux can irritate and inflame the lining of your esophagus. Chronic irritation may damage the lining and lead to Barrett’s esophagus, a condition that can lead to esophageal cancer.

Digestive Health Clinic offers testing onsite to diagnose acid reflux in individuals aged 16 and over. Dr. Alnounou designs a treatment plan to relieve symptoms and prevent additional complications. 

When should I seek medical attention for acid reflux?

Schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Digestive Health Clinic if you experience frequent symptoms of acid reflux, such as a burning sensation in your chest (heartburn). Reflux can also cause:

  • Regurgitation of foods and liquids
  • Abdominal or chest pain
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Chronic cough
  • Hoarse voice

If you have asthma, acid reflux can trigger an asthma attack and worsen your asthma symptoms.

Dr. Alnounou completes a physical exam and reviews your symptoms. He may also order an upper endoscopy to check your upper digestive tract for inflammation and tissue damage.

How is acid reflux treated?

Digestive Health Clinic offers a range of services to relieve symptoms of acid reflux. Initially, Dr. Alnounou may recommend diet changes and over-the-counter acid reducers to ease heartburn and other symptoms. There are also prescription medications available to block acid production.

When your acid reflux symptoms are manageable with nonsurgical strategies, Dr. Alnounou may recommend surgical procedures like:


Fundoplication is a procedure to tighten the lower esophageal sphincter so it can close properly to keep acids in the stomach. Dr. Alnounou wraps the top of your stomach around the muscle during a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.

LINX device

A LINX device features a ring of magnetic beads that goes around the intersection of your esophagus and stomach. The strong magnets keep the connection closed to prevent the backflow of acids while still allowing food and liquids to pass through. Placement of the LINX device requires minimally invasive surgery.

Dr. Alnounou may also recommend lifestyle changes so you can lose excess weight. Being overweight can increase pressure on your stomach and cause acid reflux symptoms to return.

Call Digestive Health Clinic to schedule a diagnostic evaluation for acid reflux symptoms or book an appointment online today.